Sunday, June 7, 2015

genius hour reflections

Genius Hour Reflection Questions

Looking back at my genius hour project I was most proud of how the socks turned out. I never thought that I would be able to create something new that has not already been done before. I had some issues trying to come up with a new innovative way to replace the ice pack but I worked through the problems and I created a great model. I was also very proud of the speech I wrote because I have always had trouble coming up with a catchy attention grabber for my introduction and I have really improved on my creative writing skills.

           My biggest challenge for the Genius Hour project was probably managing my time because I didn’t get a lot of work done in class because there were a bunch of distractions such as people asking me about their projects and the loud noise level would make it hard to hear myself think. So I ended up doing most of my project at home. If I could do anything differently it would probably be coming to flex time instead of working on my project at home because then I could get your approval on certain things such as paragraph structure and ask about word choice. When I worked on my project at home I would have to watch a lot of videos on certain things because I was stuck on ideas. If I attended flex I would have been able to conference with you about the troubles I was having. Another thing I would do differently is bring ear buds to class to tune out of all the chaos going on around the class room.

My biggest take away from this project was to understand that great ideas don’t just come right away, creativity takes time

I would give myself an A on this project because I created a new product that was innovative and creative. I made something that no one has invented before. My project showed that I could turn something old that needed improvement into something new just like the Ideo shopping carts. 

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